Mardi Gras Picture Post Pt. II

Here's the second round of Mardi Gras pictures. This covers the rest of Mardi Gras. It's an awesome celebration that I will actually blog about sometime in the near future. Until than, here are some pictures to enjoy.

A float mocking Putin

US Navy band (Michael Delong, you better see this)


The best game in the world, Stump! It involves throwing a hammer 
in the air and trying to hit some nails.

So many floats!

I got to see Endymion from scaffolding, definitely the best way to watch the parade

1st crawfish of the season

Bacchus float, hunting frogs on the Atchafalya

"Is that a dinosaur?" 
"yes, of course."

Bacchus float up close

Proteus float featuring Zeus and his pet seal, because Zeus has pet seals

Even cooler Proteus float

Gandalf? Is that you?

Quentin Tarantino, King of Morpheus

Sunny Saturday for Endymion

Freezing rainy Mardi Gras day, there are people under that blanket

See what I mean? So cold and wet.

Zulu float

Emily got a coconut at Zulu

I'm afraid I've set the bar pretty high for future Mardi Gras celebrations, look at some of the awesome throws I got this year!



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