Scortez Celebrates Mardi Gras

Yeah, you read that right. Scortez. Originally our house was going by the name Cortez Estates, but Scortez just has a certain ring to it.

How did we celebrate Mardi Gras you ask? Well in about a million ways. First of all, Mardi Gras is a magical time when the city of New Orleans shuts down so the residents canget free stuff thrown at them and drink lots of beer. And grill out. And generally have a great time. I LOVE Mardi Gras. Check out my blog from 2014 Mardi Gras if you want to get a better idea. For now, I'm going to give you all a bunch of pictures. Enjoy!

The infamous mardi gras tree in full bloom

Me, Valentina and Maggie

Me, Valentina and Alyssa

These are my friends

One of the many awesome floats this year

Anna Leigh and Thomas preping for a game of stump

My view for Endymion.

Endymion selfie

Best seats in the house

Post Endymion lunch, Anna Leigh accidentally got 2 salads

Life in New Orleans is kind of beautiful right now. Things are going to be chilly the next couple of days, but seriously! Look at that blue sky! I'm all about this life.

Price Milner taking advantage of a photo op

Finally, some words of wisdom from the bathroom at Twelve Mile Limit.



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