I'm Back from the Land of Chocolate and IPAs

Hi everyone! I've decided to try and actually give some titles to my blogs. Anyway! I'm back in New Orleans after a wonderful weekend in Denver, Pennsylvania. Alexander's oldest sister, Elizabeth, got married yesterday and the McWhirts were kind enough to let me tag along for the weekend. I really had a wonderful time. First, I got to see Alexander. I haven't seen him since I moved to New Orleans. We even got a few hours of down time in between last minute errands and the wedding!

Friday night. Aren't we so precious?

Second, the wedding was an absolute blast. I got to meet so many people and when I say we danced all night, I'm not kidding. The ceremony was over around 4:30 and we were on the last shuttle back to the hotel at 12:30. The wedding was beautiful, Elizabeth wore her great grandmother's gown and she looked amazing, Alexander gave a toast (maybe a little longer than a toast...) and there was plenty of Yuengling to go around. I also got to meet some of Alexander's relatives who are in New Orleans and they're awesome. Seriously, I am so happy to have made another connection with someone who is from this amazing city.

Serious pictures are not a thing for us.

Alexander and Colin take their duties as brothers to the bride very seriously.

This seems to be our 'go to' when someone wants a picture

Sunday morning I convinced him to rep Project Homecoming. 
Doesn't he look good in our new t-shirts?

I am really tired and I have a full day ahead of me tomorrow. I'm taking pictures for Project Homecoming and editing our Summer Youth Mission Program brochures. Side note, if you want to send your youth on an AWESOME mission trip this summer, hit me up. Other side note, if YOU want to do some amazing mission work here in New Orleans anytime this spring, let me know. Project Homecoming has some amazing opportunities available and I'm becoming an expert on everything we have to offer,


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