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New Year, Same (Good) Me

Well, per usual, life has gotten away from me and I am circling back around to update everyone on what has been happening the past couple of months. My fall semester was awesome! I went ahead and technically did five classes: Intro to Preaching, Intro to Pastoral Care, Environmental Ethics, World Religion and a directed study about the ways we can use Art in Worship (complete with a four week Sunday school lesson plan). I did well in all my classes, I really enjoyed them. In the Spring I am taking: Pastoral Care Elective- On Death and Dying, Mission and Evangelism, Esther Exegesis and Presbyterian Polity. This summer I am taking six weeks of Greek so I can take my Greek exegesis in the fall. There are a couple of bigger updates that I would also like to share. First, after a lot of thoughtful vocational discernment I have decided that I am not going to pursue the dual-degree program at the seminary. Instead of getting both my Master's in Divinity and my Master's of Scienc...

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